Thursday, April 7, 2011

Halti Dependence.

We have a major flaw in our training and it's a major set back.

Dash relies on his halti to know when to behave.

I didn't use his halti on Monday night's obedience class and it was horrible! It was like a replay of the first obedience class...screaming, not listening to any commands, etc. In the back of my mind Susan Garrett just kept reminding me that he was overstimulated and couldn't comprehend my commands, not that he was ignoring me.

Since that class I have started reading "Shaping Success" by Susan Garrett all over again. This will be about my 3rd time reading it, but the first time that any of it really clicks with me as we are now starting actual 'hardcore' training.

At home and in mild stimulating enviroments, Dash is a wonderfully obedient dog who is fun to work with. Any more stimulating than 'mild' is when he goes beserck and just can't handle it. This is when he relies on his halti for help. It almost seems to keep him more grounded (he still gets all hyped up) but at what point do I take it off of him? We gotta start somewhere...

So why not start at this weekend's Flyball tournament? That's my great idea! Haha! I am bringing his halti for a Plan B, as I am thinking we will need all the help we can get.

Expect pictures and maybe some video this weekend from the tournament!


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