Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This is what makes those crappy training lessons melt away.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Blogs. I suck.

It's a known fact that I cannot keep a journal so I really have no idea why I started a blog. Obviously I suck at it too.

Maybe I'm a Team Small Dog wannabe. I mean, the lady is funny so maybe if I keep a blog I'll morph into a Laura-esque funny lady too? Except I'll have a big red dog, a big black dog and small tan dog. Hm.

But since this is an agility blog about my demon dog I suppose you would like an update since I haven't updated since May. (Does that sentence even make sense?)
-We passed our CGC with flying colors and I couldn't have asked him to perform any better.
-We quit training for flyball as the action was just too much for babydog to handle.
-We are training for agility heavily and the human still sucks at front crosses.
