This last week we worked the same things as the first class, except this time we paid great attention to details.
When I first looked over the CGC text material (before signing up for this class) I thought we had it in the bag. Ha! Distractions are Dash's weakness and boy are there a lot of them at class.
New people = distraction
New dogs = distraction
Dog whining = distraction
Agility equipment = distraction
All of these things hold more value than I do...which is sad, but it's my own fault. I take the blame entirely but I hope I can become his 'cookie' in the near future.
Working on:
Heel- Dog at your side and keeps pace with you. Turn in left/right circles and praise him for keeping up with you. I would give Dash a B.
Sit/Stay-Dog sit/stays beside you while stranger approaches. Dash does it 2 out of 5 times.
Down on Command only- 4 out of 5 times.
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