When I was heading to our first obedience class, I really thought that we had it in the bag. Dash knew sit,down,stay,come,wait,get it, touch, etc. at that point and I had simply signed up for the class to get some guaranteed training time while around other dogs.
As you all know Dash didn't impress anyone that first class and by the time we had graduated he still had 'movement issues' (as I call 'em) but was getting better. So when we were driving to our first CGC class (4/25) I knew better than to expect him to be a superstar.
But he was!
He behaved wonderfully and listened to all of my commands...I was in shock! Usually he cannot handle himself when other dogs get excited but even when others were barking/whining, he stayed nice and calm! Well, I cheated. Kinda. I used the Halti...Dash knows he must behave on a Halti but when we switch to his collar is when we have issues.
Part of this is my fault as I only used it when we were training and that's it. He quickly learned that on=training/time to behave and off=free time/don't listen to mom!
In class #1, our homework was to teach the 'Stand', teach a 'Down' on command only (no hand gestures) and to work with the dogs in a sit/stay while people approach.
Down with voice only- Dash can do this since I luckily trained him from the start using only my voice as I hated that my other dogs rely on hand signals. But we do have one issue: he needs to sit before going to a down.
Stand-Since Dash knows hand touches, all I have to do is present my palm while he is sitting when he stands to bop it. I am currently combining this with the 'stand' command.
Sit/Stay while people approach- He is decent at this and I have no doubts that he will get the hang of it quickly. He has a pretty solid stay and can do this 2/3 out of 5 times.
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