Wednesday, February 15, 2012


18 months can seem like an eternity or it can seem like a short time. It all depends on what's happening.

The magic number in agility is 18 months. You get your puppy, train train train for their big debut at 18 seems like forever away when you are holding an 13 week old fuzzball. But we've all found out that no, it's actually just around the corner.

This is something that I've personally struggled with and the one thing that I would preach to all beginners: 18 is NOT the magic number.

Dash is now 21 months old and has not run at a trial. The guilt that I've felt is enormous. Like I've failed him somehow...21 months old! He should be out there by now! It doesn't help that everyone around is constantly asking you as to why you're not running, what's he currently working on, well how much longer, he needs to be out there, well hurry up!, how old is he now?, etc. etc.

Here I have this wonderful dog that would go to the moon for me and I am frustrated that we aren't out there...I mean sheesh! Everyone else is trailing at 21 months old! Why aren't we out there?!

Then I remember that I love Dash to pieces and it doesn't matter what age he makes his debut.

It's taken me a long time (18 months!) to get over that magic number. Once in awhile it gets me but I've realized that every dog has his issues so there is no set age. Take your time, enjoy the ride.

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